I did this same ride about 6 months ago as part of a half-century benefit, called "Pedalling the Muse" for the Pt. Angeles Art Center, a really wonderful spot that I recommend visiting. It's a mostly flat ride, with just a few ups and downs, through farms and small ravines, along the coast and through forests. Just the best of Northwest rides. Here are some photos from today, none of which do it justice:
Stopped in at a little restaurant named Rick's in Pt.Angeles and devoured 2 beers and fish and chips. The waiter was this unbelievably earnest and sweet teenager who kept getting things wrong (who brings balsamic vinegar for fish and chips!?). In the middle of lunch, an old man walked in and asked for an order of fries. When the kid came back with the styrofoam container (like the ones you get takeout teriyaki in), the old man opened the lid, and said "I need you to fill it up the top". The kid went back and put some more in. The old man opened it up and saw that It Was Good. That container had enough fries to fill up maybe 10 side orders on a regular plate. What he was about to do with that many fries, god only knows. Funny little scene.
If anyone who owns a bike near Seattle is reading this, I demand that you make it a summertime goal to bike this trail at least once this year. It's really worth it. Here's the link again: Olympic Discovery Trail