Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mile Zero (modulo 1000)

Took a 35 mile ride today and felt it. I haven't gone on anything longer than 25 miles for almost 3 weeks and I'm out of shape. Here's some pics from the ride:

Had an unbelievably shitty series of events leading up to today which I won't go into except to say that they were shitty, and unbelievable and there were more than one of them.

Worked all morning and at 11 I called my bike shop to see if Ye Olde Bike Shoppe proprietor was in. He was, so I informed that I was on my way down to purchase a new bike. Don't quite know why I chose today, except that it was probably the most highly inappropriate of all days since my money situation doesn't lend itself to purchase $1200 worth of bicycle. But buy it I did and this will be my new ride in about a week or so: Surly Long Haul Trucker. Beautiful, but only comes in a color that they call "Truckaccino", which is only slightly less effeminate that calling it "Pride Parade Pink with Pansy Dust Sprinkles".

I left Ye Olde Bike Shoppe and went for a spin around Bainbridge Island, my hometown. Just one short month ago, I would go for back-to-back 40 milers with no problems. And then I did 4 days of 50-65 miles a day. Today I did 35 miles in the 45 degree weather and came home thinking I had frostbite in my two left smallest toes and nearly laid down to sleep. A couple of vodka and sodas later and I didn't care.

I passed 1000 miles today and got the bright idea to start bike log (or a "Blog", a new term I've just coined) about my various rides. If you don't know math or computer programming, then I'll explain what "Modulo 1000" means. It means the remainder when you divide the number by 1000. So "1 MODULO 1000" would be "1", "1001 MODULO 1000" would be "1", "2001 MODULE 1000" would be "1" etc. Since I reached "1000" on today's ride, then "1000 MODULO 1000" would be "0"; hence the insanely clever post title. There's all sorts of fascinating math things that go on with the modulo operator, but your minds are too small and puny to comprehend them. Instead, go to this Wikipedia article.

I'll send my bicycle pornography when my new ride shows up. Now I know what people who get overseas brides must feel like! Oh, the anticipation for my little Truckaccino beauty...

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