Monday, August 9, 2010

Seattle is Nice, So I'll Say It Twice...

I've been back for about 4 days now, and events have come fast and furious from the moment Air Canada delivered me and the Chump Steamroller back on American soil.  As with the days previous to leaving back in May, I'm staying with my sister and her family, which makes a nice pair of bookends on the Expedition. Rental housing, social engagements, car maintenance...lots to do, and all of it good.

I've been asked a lot "how my trip was", and find that there's no set of adjectives that really describes what happened. I've settled on saying that it was simply an epic adventure (which is true), then launch into descriptions of German breakfast food, or some other entertaining detail.

Mostly, though, what happened on my long ride is a private affair, with repercussions that haven't quite made themselves known yet. One effect is that Seattle seems smaller than before, much more provincial and homogeneous; on top of that I love this town more than ever. It's truly a great place in this world, on par with anything experienced in these heady 3 months.

footnote: first person to tell me what sitcom the title of this post comes from wins a cocktail.


  1. The Golden Girls. Now where's my booze?!?

  2. Holy smokes, I thought I was being clever...

    Elliott wins. When do you want your cocktail?

  3. Holy tamale! Did he get a PhD in Esoterica?

  4. More like a PHD in Bea Arthur Comedies...

  5. PHD in Googling sh%t (never said we couldn't look it up!)


    Email me or stop by at work. We should figure out a time to hang out now that you are back. This week, lunch on Thurs or Wed/Friday eves work best for me (I might be staying late for ped counts those days).
