Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mile 631 - Ride to Pt.Townsend

Did another training ride out to Pt.Townsend, and it felt really good.  Nearly the entire inventory was packed on the bike; the only thing missing was a set of off-the-bike clothes.  Everything went smoothly except for a minor shimmy problem.  When I go above 20 mph, a slight wobble gets set off in the front, mostly due to my enormous handlebar bag and my front panniers which are mounted fairly high up.  It's not much of a problem, however, unless I'm headed into a descent of more than a mile or so - then it gets annoying.

It was 47 or so miles to get there.  I met up with someone for beers and burgers and took another 9 mile ride, so the whole day ended up being around 56 miles.  My legs were a bit worn out, but this morning they feel just fine.  Here's a map of the route with elevation data.  There weren't very many hills on the route, so it wasn't as good of a workout as some other rides.

The weather was fantastic.  Another bright spot is that the residual anxiety I was having after taking a number of spills this winter is nearly gone.  Last time I did this ride, the enormous floating bridge that you see in the slideshow below really spooked me, due to wind, rain and grated roads.  This time around, none of the anxiety and nervousness kicked in.  In fact, I stopped mid-bridge and took a picture, something I would've never done last month.

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